Nina má 12. Jej rodičia sa rozvádzajú a svet sa jej rúca pred očami. Her mom and dad say they are only doing what is best for her, but in fact, they act as though they only cared for themselves. Nina doesn't understand them. She feels abandoned and deceived – it's like there is nothing left in the world that she could believe in. Her only security in life is competitive swimming. At the pool she finds calm and support and everything she lacks at home. When it looks like she won't be able to attend a swimming competition, she makes a radical move.
Námet Juraj Lehotsky
Scenár Marek Lescak, Juraj Lehotsky
Réžia Juraj Lehotsky
Kamera Norbert Hudec
Strih Radoslav Dubravsky
PRODUCENTI Ivan Ostrochovsky, Jiri Konečný
KOPRODUCENTI Marek Urban, Helena Uldrichova, Juraj Lehotsky, Misa Jelenekova, Tibor Buza
Otec Róbert Roth
Nina Bibiana Nováková
Mama Petra Fornayová
Technické informácie
Krajina pôvodu slovensko, česko, rakúsko
Typ Dráma
Rok vydania 2017
Minutáž 90 min.